Aims and Objectives

  • Advices and Assists Central as well as State Governments in the matters of language.
  • Contributes to the development of all Indian Languages by creating content and corpus.
  • Protects and Documents Minor, Minority and Tribal Languages.
  • Promotes Linguistic harmony by teaching 20 Indian languages to non-native learners.

A Legend

All through the last 54 years in existence this Institute has worked in a number of diverse disciplines. For these disciplines that are traditionally known to be often hostile to one another- CIIL has acted as a catalytic force responsible for convergence of different ideas. Such confluences are more evident at the present moment. In fact, on the borderlines of such largely overlapping fields lie those numerous workers who give birth to new approaches to the study of man and nature. As students standing at crossroads, we soon realize that events would lead us in unearthing the secrets of the mutually engaging forces of language, society and culture.
