The Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) works for the promotion of all languages of India. This is a gigantic task, and it requires the coming together of a large number of like-minded institutions. Therefore, CIIL encourages Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and collaborations with regulatory bodies, academic institutions, higher education departments, language bureaus and language-centred organizations. The task of promoting Indian languages also requires the sensitization and participation of a large pool of highly motivated youngsters (PG level)/research students. Therefore, CIIL also invites proposals for internships from PG and research students. The conditions (only indicative) for MoU, collaboration and internship are as follows:
The communication (email or letter) should be addressed to the Director, CIIL in all cases including when the MoU or collaboration or internship concerns a Scheme/Project/Regional Language Centre (RLC)/Classical Language Centre (CLC) of CIIL.
For MoUs, the Director, CIIL will decide the signatories and witnesses on the part of this Institute. In most cases, the Assistant Director (Admin) will be the signatory for approved MoUs.
For collaborations, the Director, CIIL will approve and decide on the coordinator on the part of the Institute following which a letter will be issued by the Academic Secretary or the Head/OiC of the concerned Scheme/Project or the Principal of the concerned RLC or Project Director of the concerned CLC. This is applicable for collaborations with financial assistance as well as collaborations without financial implications.
For internships, the Director, CIIL will decide the number of interns and duration of the internships as well as the Scheme/Project/Unit/RLC/CLC that will host an intern. The acceptance/confirmation letter will be issued by the Academic Secretary or the Head/OiC of the concerned Scheme/Project or the Principal of the concerned RLC or the Project Director of the concerned CLC.
The MoU or Collaboration is between institutions, not between individuals. The term ‘institutions’ here refers to academic bodies, universities, (autonomous) colleges, stand-alone Centres, Departments, organizations etc. The internship is for individuals, however, it should be facilitated through the institutions with which such individuals are affiliated.
Some areas such as the implementation of the National Education Policy, Development of teaching-learning materials in Indian languages, Language technology, Documentation and description, Translation, Language testing, assessment and evaluation, Capacity building, Orientation, Training, Classical Languages, Digitization, Corpus building, and Scientific investigation of Indian languages etc., are areas of priority for MoU, Collaboration and Internship.
Apply for an MoU with CIIL or its Schemes/Projects/RLCs/CLCs
Please send a letter of intent addressed to the Director, CIIL and clearly state the objectives, projections and financial implications (if any).
The draft version of the MoU is desirable. Kindly attach it with the letter of intent and clearly state whether the MoU is with CIIL or its Scheme/Project/RLC/Classical Language Centre.
The draft MoU should include the terms of reference. It should be a regular communication that is interpretable without any ambiguity.
The draft MoU may state the terms of reference from the vantage point of the institution applying for anMoU. It is required in an editable format to allow this Institute to state its terms of reference.
Please state if the MoU implies faculty exchange, data sharing, collaborative assignments, project works, language/translation service, capacity building, and use of physical infrastructure by either party.
The MoU should be executable within the time frame and available resources and it should be implementable within the geographical limits.
The response of the Institute will depend on the scope and merit of the MoU. This Institute will respond only to MoU proposals that are relevant to Indian languages and their promotion by any means.
The signing of the MoU may be organized at a mutually agreed venue with due media coverage. For more details, please send an email to the following: with a copy to and
Apply for an academic collaboration with CIIL or its Schemes/Projects/RLCs/Classical Language Centre
Academic collaborations are for specific programmes/events. For any such programme/event, please send a letter addressed to the Director, CIIL with the concept note, budget, tentative list of speakers etc.
The proposal for collaboration should be routed through proper channel, i.e. Head of the applicant’sUniversity/Institution/College.
CIIL is not a sponsor/funding body for the programme envisaged by an institution. It can be an academic collaborator and may provide partial financial assistance depending on the scope of the programme.
Kindly clearly state the projected outcomes of the programme and the nature of involvement of CIIL or its Scheme/Project/RLC.
The proposal for collaboration should clearly state whether financial assistance is required or not. The amount of financial assistance will be decided by the Institute irrespective of the projected budget/expenditure of the programme. The amount decided by the Institute will be final and no request will be entertained for a revision in it.
The financial assistance is in reimbursement mode, except in extraordinary cases. The utilization of the amount of financial assistance (CIIL funds) requires strict adherence to the extant rules of CIIL. Amounts exceeding the rates for various heads of expenditure will not be admissible.
The proposal should clearly state whether the collaboration is with CIIL or the Scheme/Project implemented by CIIL or a Regional Language Centre of CIIL.
Please state whether the event/programme is national or international and also if it is a multi-institution programme/event.
Only one proposal for collaboration is admissible in a given financial year for prorgammes that require financial assistance.
Kindly state if the proposal concerns collaboration for organizing an edition of an annual event of a society/body or an event of a series.
Preference will be given to proposals that aim at cutting-edge research in Language Sciences, implementation of National Education Policy, Promotion of Indian languages, Capacity building of language teachers, language technology, language testing and evaluation, translation tools, and skill development of speakers of Indian languages.
The proposal should clearly state how the programme is likely to benefit the speakers of Indian languages and how it is likely to contribute to linguistic research in India and scientific research on Indian languages.
Director CIIL Mysore is one of the patrons of the collaborative event along with the Head/Top official(s) of the host Institution.
CIIL, Mysore and its coordinating officer(s) must be duly acknowledged on the Website, and publicity materials related to Inauguration, Valedictory events, etc. as a collaborator and coordinator(s), respectively.
No officer from CIIL shall be nominated as an invited expert unless approval towards the collaboration is received by the applicant institution.
In all such collaborative programmes, any request for inviting CIIL officer/official as expert/resource person/speaker shall directly be made to the Director, CIIL. However, a copy may be sent to the concerned officer for her/his information.
The emblem of the Government of India must be used appropriately on the Websites, stationeries and other publicity materials.
CIIL will be an equal stakeholder to academic publications/ material/software/tools/modules, etc. brought out from the collaborative programme. This must strictly be adhered to.
For reimbursement of the agreed amount of financial assistance, all bills must be submitted in original duly signed by the conference coordinator(s). The bills are required together, not in bits and pieces. Copies of the PAN and bank passbook/cancelled cheque are required for every beneficiary.
Reimbursement of the amount shall preferably be made to the official account of the Institute/University/College subject to the submission of all bills/tax invoices, which are relevant, and valid, in original; utilization certificate signed by Head (Administrative/Financial matters) of the Institution/University/College.
Reimbursement of the amount towards Honorarium shall directly be made to the experts as per rules and ITR provisions.
No demand for advance/cash payment shall be made to the CIIL/coordinating officers. Its responsibility of the applicant Institute/College/University to make any advance payment towards the programme expenses.
Event coordinators are expected to submit a prorgamme reportalong with photographs and share other necessary information including the total collection of the event, registration fees, other sources of funding, etc.
The Director, CIIL will nominate an officer who will represent the Institute and coordinate with the organizers.
The financial assistance is generally partial (not whole). The Institute has an approved rate/ceiling for various kinds of expenditure. The ceiling is indicative and the actuals need not touch the ceiling always. For the best utilization of the CIIL funds, please follow the advice of the coordinator (from CIIL’s end).
Amount payable towards each specific head shall preferably be discussed in prior with the CIIL coordinator depending on the nature of programme. Payment of the ceiling amount shall only be reached only in the exceptional cases with due justifications in writing.
The Institute does not appreciate proposals that intend only financial assistance and state no academic role for the Institute and its officers.
Since Institute collaborates with many Institutions simultaneously on various academic fronts, there may be slightly delay in the reimbursement of the amounts due to administrative reasons. Therefore, the applicant Institute/university/college shall first make the payment to the concerned vendors/experts/persons and then officially claim the reimbursement through proper channel by submitting all bills to CIIL in original. In all such cases, it is reiterated that the reimbursement will only be made to the applicant Institute/University/College, and not to any individual. All reimbursements will be made strictly as per CIIL norms.
The response of the Institute will depend on the scope and merit of the programme. This Institute will respond only if a proposal is relevant to Indian languages and their promotion by any means. For more details, please send an email to the following: with a copy to and
Apply for an internship at CIIL or its Schemes/Projects/RLCs/CLCs
Individual applicants may send a letter of intent addressed to the Director, CIIL through the proper channel (duly forwarded by the head of the department). The proposal should reach the Institute at least 6 weeks before the commencement of the internship.
Institutions may send a proposal for batch internship (a letter of intent and a list of students) citing the relevant clause of the MoU signed between the two institutions. The proposal should reach the Institute at least 6 weeks before the commencement of the internship.
The internships will be open throughout the year. However, the number of interns will be high during the usual summer and winter breaks at Universities/Institutes/Colleges.
The proposal should also clearly spell out whether the internship is part of an ongoing course/programme for which the applicant is enrolled. Also, it should state whether academic credit will be given to the applicant after successful completion of the internship.
The usual duration of the internship will be 4-6 weeks, extendable by 2 more weeks for extremely necessary cases.
The applicant should be in the range of 20-40 years of age. The age criterion is relaxable at the discretion of the Director, CIIL.
Relevance of the task to be performed and language taken up will be given preference.
All interns are governed by the stated rules and prevalent norms & accepted practices of the Institute.
The interns may asked to work on individual assignments or group assignments that will be supervised by the OiC of the concerned Scheme/Project, Head of the concerned Unit / Principal of the concerned RLC or Project Director CLC.
The internship at CIIL or its Schemes/Projects/RLCs/CLCs/Units is not comparable with its various other training/diploma programmes.
The entitlements of an intern are co-terminus with the completion of the internship. Thereafter, no claims will be entertained.
An intern cannot stake claims to regular/contractual positions or seek preference in selection for training programmes/participation in workshops/other activities.
The internships are outcome-oriented. The interns will get acknowledgement/citation/co-authorships/academic credit in publishable/published outcomes of internships depending upon the nature and extent of the contribution made by him/her.
The Director, CIIL may approve travel support and payment of honorarium to an intern depending upon the language concerned/task performed. There can be variations even within a group of interns representing the same institution/language depending upon exigencies.
The response of the Institute will depend on the scope and merit of the proposal and the availability of internships for a given financial year. This Institute will respond only if the proposal is relevant to Indian languages and their promotion by all means. For more details, please send an email to the following: with a copy to and