Major objectives
The major objective of the scheme of Regional Language Centres is to provide an incentive to all Indian states on an even basis to implement the Three-Language Formula and to offer assistance
To Hindi speaking states to get their teachers trained in a non-Hindi language, and
To non-Hindi states to get some of their teachers trained in an Indian language other than their state language, and Hindi.
Main functions
The main functions of the Regional Language Centres include the following:
To offer intensive courses in various Indian languages (other than their mother tongue) for in-service secondary school teachers (deputed by different state governments) through modern methods, including instruction in the language laboratory in three levels, viz., basic, intermediate and advanced courses (special emphasis is given to speaking and comprehension in the first stage and speaking, reading and writing at the subsequent stages).
To train these teachers in the methodology of teaching the second language by giving them linguistic orientation; to enable them to prepare teaching material and use it in their institution after the completion of the course.
To prepare suitable instructional materials for the learning and teaching of Indian languages as a second language at different levels for different cross sections of the society.
To evaluate the performance of ex-teacher trainees in teaching and to conduct refresher courses.
To help the governments in states and union territories in preparing second language curriculum, textbooks and in material production and teacher training.
To undertake research related to language teaching theories and methods as well as learners’ performance.
To organize short term need based courses for Indians and Foreign nationals under Indian Studies Programme.
To conduct national and international level seminars and conferences on themes related to language education.
Future plan
The different departments, academic bodies, institutions have requested for a greater input of extension and consultancy work on the part of the Central Institute of Indian Languages and Regional Language Centres in their language programmes, second language as well as mother tongue. The Institute has plans to set up a full-fledged Extension and Consultancy Unit in all the Regional Language Centres’ to:
Supervise and assess the teaching work undertaken by the teacher trainees after their return to their school.
Visit these schools and give academic advice to the teachers on the spot.
Solve problems in classroom teaching and material production in the light of the school curriculum.
Advise the states on language evaluation, testing, curriculum framing, textbook writing and selection as and when requested by the states.
Organize and conduct Refresher Courses for ex-teacher trainees and to organize and conduct workshops in material production in evaluation when needed.
Organize language camps for the school children being taught second/ third languages by the ex-teacher trainees.
Collect information on the language related issues from the States and Union Territories, keep in touch with Education and Tribal departments and undertake such other action as needed.
Centres have a plan to develop MOOCS courses in Regional Languages to teach languages online.
To extent this program to other Indian language also.