Authors, editors, translators and recognized Institutions are eligible under this Scheme.
Only copyright holders are eligible to apply.
Commercial publishers are not eligible to apply for their own publications or on behalf of their customers.
Separate application shall be submitted in respect of each title.
Three complimentary copies of the book shall be submitted along with the application (in one parcel). These copies will not be returned to the applicant.
A synopsis of the proposed book in about 200 words preferably in English shall be provided in a separate sheet along with the application.
If the copyright is held by someone other than the author or in case of more than one author/editor/translator, the applicant should submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) on stamp paper of value Rs. 20/-
If the work is a translation, a copy of permission letter given by the author or NOC on stamp paper valued Rs. 20/- (from the author or self-declaration) should be furnished.
If the applicant applies on behalf of an organization or trust, he/she must submit the following along with the application form
Attested copy of registration certificate/trust deed
The list of Members of the organization
A copy of resolution passed in the board wherein approval to apply for financial assistance in GIA-CIIL is obtained.
A copy of Pan Card should be submitted in addition to any one of the following as proof of identity while submitting the application.
Aadhar Card
Driving license
Also Election/voter’s ID must be submitted as a proof of Residence.
Cancelled cheque/photocopy of first page of bank pass book containing all the following details with passport size photograph should be submitted along with application.
Name of the Account holder (as in Bank Pass book)
Account No. (13 digits only)
Name and Address of the Bank
Branch Name and Code No.
The applicant shall maintain an identical signature in all the documents related to the grant.
In case of any change in the postal address of the applicant after the submission of the application, the same should be intimated to the Institute immediately.
No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
Request for financial assistance can be made for 3 titles, out of which there is a provision to consider only one in the Meeting.
If an applicant avails the grant once, his/her next proposal will be considered for processing only after two years from the date of approval of his/her grant, after exhausting provisions for considering new proposals.
Whitener/correction fluid should not be used while filling in the application. Corrections may be carried out by striking out in pen and attesting it with a short sign of the applicant
The proposal once approved or rejected by Grant in Aid Committee shall be rejected.
Application with incomplete information will be rejected.
Application which is not in prescribed pro-forma and without photo shall be rejected.
Bibliographies, dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopaedias, anthologies, travelogues and self-instructional materials
Books on linguistic, literary, indological, social, anthropological, cultural, scientific and technological themes and their translations
Translations of creative writing either from or into those languages that are under CIIL’s GIA scheme.
Publication of doctoral or such other degree – related research projects wil also be considered for grant, depending upon the availability of funds.
The book for which grant is sought should have been published not more than ten years before the date of application.
Minimum number of pages of the book should be at least 48 including the preliminary pages.
Ideally, the minimum size of the book shall be as given below: -
Demy 1/8 th
Demy 1/4 th
Crown 1/8 th
Crown 1/4 th
However, books printed in other sizes will be considered based on their merit.
Depending on the funds availability, the GIAC could also identify the books in certain languages from authors/publishers for distribution among libraries where they would be found useful. This provision will be specially used for languages from where sufficient applications are not received.
Poetry, drama, novels and short stories (unless they are complete works of a given author needed for academic programmes)
Text books.
Books that have already availed grant from Central and State government bodies for publication shall not be considered for purchase.
The titles which have once received grant under Publication scheme of Grantin-Aid will not be considered under Bulk Purchase Scheme.
Reprinted/Revised/Enlarged editions.
Any information about the book printed on sticker sheet/Rubber stamp/correction fluid (i.e. price, year of publication, copyright etc.)
Books on political propaganda and religious preaching.
Any writing which is not in the national interest
Authors, editors, translators and recognized Institutions are eligible under this Scheme.
Only copyright holders are eligible to apply.
Commercial publishers are not eligible to apply for their own publications or on behalf of their customers.
Separate application shall be submitted in respect of each title.
Two complimentary copies of the proposed manuscript shall be submitted along with the application (in one parcel). These copies will not be returned to the applicant.
Soft copy of the manuscripts in CD form must also be submitted along with hard copy in the format mentioned as in column no. 6 of Para II.
A brief bio-data of the applicant should be submitted.
Request for financial assistance can be made for 3 manuscripts, out of which there is a provision to consider only one in the Meeting.
A synopsis of the proposed manuscript in about 200 words preferably in English shall be provided in a separate sheet along with the application.
A copy of Pan Card should be submitted in addition to any one of the following as proof of identity while submitting the application.
Aadhar Card
Driving license
Also Election/voter’s ID must be submitted as a proof of Residence.
Cancelled cheque/photocopy of first page of bank pass book containing all the following details with passport size photograph should be submitted along with application.
Name of the Account holder (as in Bank Pass book)
Account No. (13 digits only)
Name and Address of the Bank
Branch Name and Code No.
If the applicant applies on behalf of an organization or trust, he/she must submit the following along with the application form.
Attested copy of registration certificate/trust deed
The list of Members of the organization
A copy of resolution passed in the board wherein approval to apply for financial assistance in GIA-CIIL is obtained.
If the copyright is held by someone other than the author or in case of more than one author/editor/translator, the applicant should submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC)/ self-declaration on stamp paper of value Rs. 20/-
If an applicant avails the grant once, his/her next proposal will be considered for processing only after two years from the date of approval of his/her grant, after exhausting provisions for considering new proposals.
The applicant shall maintain an identical signature in all the documents related to the grant.
In case of any change in the postal address of the applicant after the submission of the application, the same should be intimated to the Institute immediately.
No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
Whitener/correction fluid should not be used while filling in the application. Corrections may be carried out by striking out in pen and attesting it with a short sign of the applicant
The proposal once approved or rejected by Grant in Aid Committee shall be rejected.
Application with incomplete information will be rejected.
Application which is not in prescribed pro-forma and without photo shall be rejected.
Bibliographies, dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopaedias, anthologies and selfinstructional materials
Writings on linguistic, literary, indological, social, anthropological, cultural, scientific and technological themes and their translations
Descriptive catalogue of rare manuscripts, classics, old manuscripts and also their translation and transliteration
The subsequent editions are eligible for grant only if it is reprinted after 10 years of its first edition
Minimum number of pages of the proposed manuscript shall be at least 48 including the preliminary pages (excluding pictures).
The manuscripts should be submitted ONLY in the form of specifications given below: -
Size : A4 size
Space to be given at top, bottom, left and right : 2.5 cm
Line Spacing : Double line spacing
Font size (for English) : 12 pt
Font (for English) : Times New Roman
Font size (for other languages) : 14 pt.
Font : Unicode
The fonts should be the resident fonts / Unicode that are available in M.S. Office.
Poetry, drama, novels and short stories, unless they are complete works of a given author needed for academic programmes.
Publications on political propaganda and religious preaching.
Any writing which is not in the national interest.
SCHEME-III : Financial Assistance for the Publication of Scholarly Little magazines in Indian languages(other than English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Urdu)
The proposed magazine should have completed publication of one year and brought out at least one or two issues before the date of the application.
The magazine shall consist of at least thirty two pages in demi size.
It shall not be published by a publishing house, which brings out several newspapers/journals/magazines.
The circulation of the proposed magazine shall be a minimum of 500 copies and may not exceed 3000 copies.
The magazine shall be of a considerable literary merit.
It shall not publish any writings which are not in the national interest.
The magazine approved for grant will be supported with a financial assistance of Rs. 20,000/- annually for a period of three consecutive years.
The grantee shall submit a fresh application every year.
During the first time application, applicant must submit the following along with the application form
A copy of registration certificate attested by gazetted officer
A copy of resolution passed in the board of editors wherein approval to apply for financial assistance in GIA-CIIL is obtained
Synopsis of the magazine in 200 words preferably in English
A copy of the previous year and current year issue of the magazine
A copy of Pan Card should be submitted in addition to any one of the following as proof of identity while submitting the application.
Aadhar Card
Driving license
Also Election/voter’s ID must be submitted as a proof of Residence.
Cancelled cheque/photocopy of first page of bank pass book containing all the following details with passport size photograph should be submitted along with application.
Name of the Account holder (as in Bank Pass book)
Account No. (13 digits only)
Name and Address of the Bank
Branch Name and Code No.
During the second and third time application a copy of the latest (current year) issue shall be submitted.
The applicant shall maintain an identical signature in all the documents related to the grant.
In case of any change in the postal address of the applicant after the submission of the application, the same should be intimated to the Institute immediately.
No interim correspondences shall be entertained as the processing of the proposal takes at least six months from the date of receipt of the application.
Whitener/correction fluid should not be used while filling in the application. Corrections may be carried out by striking out in pen and attesting it with a short sign of the applicant
The proposal once approved or rejected by Grant in Aid Committee shall be rejected.
Application with incomplete information will be rejected.
Application which is not in prescribed pro-forma and without photo shall be rejected.
It could be monolingual or bilingual but the content should not be of religious preaching or political propaganda.
SCHEME-IV : Financial Assistance to Voluntary organisations for selected promotional activities in Indian languages(other than English, Hindhi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Urdu)
The applicant voluntary organization shall be a registered Society and it should be in existence at least for three years before the date of the application. The NGOs have to first register on by which a unique ID would be generated. It is mandatory for all NGOs to register on the above portal.
The Academies and Institutions, which are set up, registered and funded by the State/UT Governments for promoting Indian languages, are eligible. However, the quantum of financial assistance shall be determined only after taking into account the assistance provided by the State Government for the same proposal.
The applicant organization shall not be a profit making body.
The applicant organisation shall apply for financial assistance in the prescribed form only.
The applicant shall submit the following documents along with the application-
A copy of the Registration Certificate attested by a Gazetted Officer
A copy of resolution passed in the board of editors wherein approval to apply for financial assistance in GIA-CIIL is obtained
Latest prospectus/brochure of the organisation
A copy of the latest annual report of the organization (in English)
A synopsis of the proposed project/programme in about 200 words preferably in English in a separate sheet
A copy of Pan Card should be submitted in addition to any one of the following as proof of identity while submitting the application.
Aadhar Card
Driving license
Also Election/voter’s ID must be submitted as a proof of Residence.
Cancelled cheque/photocopy of first page of bank pass book containing all the following details with passport size photograph should be submitted along with application.
Name of the Account holder (as in Bank Pass book)
Account No. (13 digits only)
Name and Address of the Bank
Branch Name and Code No.
Request for financial assistance can be made for 3 programmes, out of which there is a provision to consider only one in the Meeting.
The applicant shall maintain an identical signature in all the documents related to the grant.
In case of any change in the postal address of the organisation after the submission of the application, the same (certified by the Registrar of the Societies where the Organisation has been registered) may be intimated to the Institute immediately.
No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
The proposal once rejected by the Grant in Aid Committee shall be rejected.
Any decision regarding the admitted items and estimates of expenditure of the approved project/programme shall totally rest with the sanctioning authority.
The sanctioning authority reserves the right to terminate the approved project at any stage if it is convinced that the grant has not been properly utilized and sufficient progress has not been achieved.
Once the estimates are approved as reasonable and the grant is sanctioned, they shall not be modified.
The project for which grant has been approved shall be completed within a year from the date of the receipt of the first instalment.
Grant under this Scheme shall not be given for meeting previous liabilities or debts.
The grant released shall not be spent on developing infrastructure facilities such as construction of buildings, purchase of vehicles, air-conditioning etc.
The assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the grant received under this Scheme shall not be disposed of or transferred to any person/institution or utilized for purposes other than the project/programme for which it has been sanctioned.
The grantee shall utilize the grant only for the programme/project for which it has been sanctioned. Failure to do so shall render the organization liable to refund the grant in full with such interest thereon as the sanctioning authority may decide.
The grantee shall exercise utmost economy in the working of the approved project.
Preference will also be given to the girls/women beneficiaries in order to ensure gender budgeting.
The grantee shall maintain separate records of expenditure of the approved project. It shall be open to inspection by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or CIIL or its authorized representative as and when required.
The approved grant shall be released in two equal instalments. The final instalment shall be released only after the grantee completes the programme/project and produces the following documents:
The statement of expenditure and Utilization Certificate certified by a Chartered Accountant with his seal.
The report of the satisfactory completion of the project duly signed by the grantee with his seal.
Two complimentary copies of the study report if the grant is related to Short-term study.
The title page of the study report of the short-term study, shall include the following statement:
`This project was undertaken with financial assistance from the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 vide sanction order number……………………… dated………………’ .
If an applicant avails the grant once, his/her next proposal will be considered for processing only after two years from the date of approval of his/her grant, after exhausting provisions for considering new proposals.
Whitener\correction fluid should not be used while filling in the application. Corrections may be carried out by striking out in pen and attesting it with a short sign of the applicant.
Application with incomplete information shall be rejected.
Application without photo shall be rejected.